Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The Psychology Of Weight Loss

You see the razor-thin models gracing the covers of magazines…you watch actors and actresses on the big screen who seem to never gain a pound. And you wonder: How do I differ from them? You may be surprised to learn that a number of famous people at one time had difficulty maintaining a healthy weight. But they were able to conquer their problem, thanks to a new-and-improved, healthy view of eating.

You may not realize it, but there is a certain psychology at work in successful weight loss. It is no surprise, then, that the magazine Psychology Today has explored the issue in-depth. In October of 2004, the magazine posted an article on its website detailing the experiences of Diane Berry, a nurse practitioner who studied women who had shed at least 15 pounds and had maintained their weight loss for an average of seven years.

The women shared some important things in common. For instance, they all achieved their weight loss through either Weight Watchers or TOPS, which meant that they had a firm support network as they tried to maintain their weight. The group meetings were highly important, because they learned to recognize that they were certainly not alone in their struggles with weight. The women were also quite unusual because up to 90 percent of individuals who have lost weight end up putting it back on within five years.

Another common trait of these women is that they appeared to undergo a profound mood shift as they made the transition from fat to thin. From all indications, they appeared to be depressed when they were heavy but, as they attempted to lose weight, their mood brightened.

For these women, healthy eating became a habit—a habit they refused to break. They themselves recognized the tremendous role that psychology plays in weight loss. They refused to give in to negative feelings of frustration and denial and chose a positive path instead. The women also made it a point to weigh themselves regularly so that they could chart their progress.

And they recognized that maintaining weight loss would be a lifetime struggle. They knew that they could not attempt a weight loss program then put it back on the shelf. They had to learn new eating patterns that they could continue week in and week out. In some cases, they likened their struggle to that of an alcoholic. In other words, they recognized the gravity of their problem and took steps to correct the situation.

Perhaps the most interesting aspect of these women’s experiences was the fact that their weight loss actually came in spurts. At times, they regained their weight, but they did not let that deter them from their final goal. They simply viewed their setbacks as challenges that they needed to overcome. This may be the key psychological trait that separates successful dieters from unsuccessful ones—perseverance. In essence, these women were able to change their personalities in a positive way in order to achieve their long-term weight loss goals.

Another interesting aspect of this study was that it showed that the women who had undergone weight loss transformation were genuinely happy. This shows the tremendous psychological impact that weight loss can have on an individual. Once an individual is free from the burden of extra weight, he or she is better able to meet the challenges of life head-on. The dieter benefits from positive reinforcement, as relatives, friends, and co-workers congratulate him or her for the weight loss. In this way, losing weight can be quite a life-affirming experience and can lead to a more optimistic outlook on life.

It must be noted here that the psychology of weight loss is a complicated matter. There is no single ingredient that can turn a fat person into a thin one. However, recognizing that there is a psychological component to successful weight loss may, in fact, be half the battle. Once an individual recognizes that he or she is engaged in a psychological fight, he or she is better able to do battle. By retraining oneself to seek healthy approaches to diet, one can, in effect, mold oneself into a new individual—one that no longer lives to eat, but simply eats to live.

How to Tighten Saggy Skin and Reduce Stretch Marks from Weight Loss

Losing weight can be a happy time, especially if you have struggled with the battle of the bulge for years. However, no matter how thrilling rapid weight loss can be, even the praise and congratulations from others noticing your weight loss won't combat the frustration you'll feel from having saggy skin and stretch marks. Rapid weight loss often causes loss of skin elasticity. While your crash diet is burning fat in overload, your epidermis and skin's collagen levels are unable to keep pace. The result is loose flesh, or even small striations or lines on the skin on the places where a significant amount of fat or muscle was lost too quickly. Overnight weight loss is not great for your health and the visible manifestation of embarrassing red lines, marks, and loose flesh will only more upset. Yet, if you have chosen to do a Celebrity Crash Diet and have encountered loose skin or stretch marks, this article will provide some steps to firm your skin, fade stretch marks, and regenerate your skin's elasticity by stimulating collagen production.

Stretch Mark Reducing Rule #1: Use Natural Oils to Fade Your Stretch Marks.

Try Massaging Pure Cocoa Butter into your stretch marks. Pure Cocoa Butter is only effective; do not purchase drugstore brands loaded with chemicals and synthetic ingredients. To find pure cocoa butter, visit your local whole foods store in your local city or an organic shopping resource online. Cocoa butter contains antioxidants and minerals that improve skin elasticity and fade marks.

Try Soothing Your Stretch Marks With Pure Vitamin E Oil. Again, make sure you purchase Pure Vitamin E Oil from your local health food store. Many drugstores or local neighborhood stores contain Vitamin E oil that has been significantly diluted in cheaper carrier oils. Vitamin E has a regenerative effect on the skin, prevents oxidation and fights free radicals. Buy using it your skin's will look younger and firmer.

Stretch Mark Reducing Rule #2: Use Natural Scar and Stretch Mark Products to Eliminate Your Stretch Marks.
Try natural products that contain essential and natural oils. Many essential and natural oils contain scar reducing and tissue regenerating properties. Many essential oils also have the ability to tone, tighten, and firm loose, wrinkly skin. Look for only natural products. A product that contains the littlest element of a chemical or synthetic substance may potentially ruin your efforts to eliminate your stretch marks, especially the efforts of those with sensitive, mature, or dry skin.
Watch out for "natural" products that contain glycols, acids, alcohols, sulfates, and parabens. These ingredients will only strip your skin of moisture while also exposing it to many FDA identified skin irritants. The fact that they strip the skin of natural oils is critical because moisture is necessary to reduce stretch marks.
Look for products that contain wheat germ, cocoa butter, aloe vera, orange essential oil, lime essential oil, emu oil, and rosehip seed oil. All of these have been studied in clinical trials and proven as effective treatments for individuals with stretch marks. The best, most reasonably priced, all natural stretch marks reducing product is Beauty 4 Ashes No More Shame Shock Therapy System. This system includes: a body scrub to exfoliate the dead skin cells and penetrate the skin with moisture, a heat activated bath oil with stretch mark reducing essential oils, and a scar reducing body butter. The product recently received a 4.5 out of 5 stars in a consumer magazine rating. My daughter used it during and after her pregnancy weight gain and never saw a stretch mark at all. You can find them online at wwwdiscoverb4acom.

Stretch Mark Reducing Rule #3: Eat foods that get skin firming and collage restoring nutrients in your body, such as Vitamin C, K, D, A, E, and Essential Fatty Acids.

If you are still dieting, try to add citrus fruits, such as grapefruits into your meal plan. Grapefruits are lower in sugar, firm the skin, have a diuretic effects, and are great sources of Vitamin C. Eat more whole grains. Whole grains are a great source of Vitamin E and A. Don't skip out on your veggies, which will give you a healthy dose of Vitamin A, K, and more.
Cook your foods in oils full Omega 3, 6, and 9 Essential Fatty Acids, such as Sesame, Safflower, Camelina, Olive and Sunflower. You can even include them on your salad. Essential Fatty Acids are not made by the body, but have an amazing impact on the skin. Up your intake of fish, it will do wonders for your skin.

Stretch Mark Reducing Rule #4: Exercise Your Skin Back to Health
This article would be remiss if it didn't emphasize the most important truth. You should avoid crash diets. Do not be in a rush to lose weight. Normal weight loss is about 8-15 pounds a month, depending on your height, current weight, and build. Avoid crash diets. They wreak havoc on your digestive system and skin. Moreover, always incorporate some form of light resistance training into your exercise regime to keep your skin firm.

Video Source: Youtube

Fat burning furnace

Fat burning furnace

FBF 15 Minute Miracle | Beware the Scam

How can you expect to burn fat from your body in 15 minutes. It would be a miracle!

Surely it is a scam!

But ... there always is a "but" isn't there. But, the 15 minute miracle is not ONE 15 minute session, it is a critical 15 minutes every two or three days.

My wife and I are in our seventies and have been overweight for years. Not obese but just uncomfortable.

We eat sensibly but every now and then we would cut our calorie intake and drop a few pounds.

But, (here is that word again) the pounds soon came back. The yoyo effect.

Rob Poulos of the Fat Burning Furnace showed us that we were mainly losing water and muscle and not fat!

Long duration, lower intensity aerobics calls upon your stored body fat for energy during the sessions. While this may sound good, this can actually cause your body to create more body fat in reserve after the workout is over to have ready for your next workout.

This can lead to a host of other problems including higher chance of heart attack. You are only working within your current aerobic capacity because you're never challenging it to go beyond what it's capable of. And anything that is easy will not yield results even close to what's challenging for the body to accomplish.

But, there is a better way.

The fastest and most efficient way to rev up your metabolism, burn fat faster, and develop lifelong health and fitness is to add lean muscle to your body through resistance training . When you add lean muscle to your body you'll be literally turning your body into a fat burning machine!

When you stimulate your body with proper resistance training, the new growth process will call upon your stored body fat for energy. A calorie deficit combined with this growth process will allow you to burn fat all day long, every day. You'll even get these fat burning effects when you're sitting around doing nothing at all.

In addition, properly conducted resistance training actually increases your heart and lung's capacity for work. By placing intense demands on your body, it is forced into being ready for anything you throw at it. This also makes you more resistant to cardiovascular health problems that plague most people...even those that exercise with aerobics frequently.

We now use this "15 minute miracle" system to build muscle while the fat falls off and we not only look better, we feel so much better and healthier.

It is a miracle, the "real deal" and certainly not a scam.

Try it. You will not be sorry. You can't afford not to.

About the Author

Ron Limbert has studied many weight loss programs searching for those that really work not only helping you to lose weight but, more importantly, helping you to keep it off. The top fat loss programs are reviewed at his website 5-best-reviews.com

Video Source: Youtube

5 Easy Steps to Lose Belly Fat

Are you suffering from excess belly fat that won't budge no matter what you do? Have the flashy infomercials convinced you that your belly fat is directly related to stress and that they have the miracle pill that will get rid of it with no effort on your part?

Are clever marketing ads suggesting your can rid your stubborn belly fat by investing in their "breakthrough" ab-machine?Not only is belly fat unattractive, it's unhealthy. You're probably aware of this and have tried to do something about it, haven't you?

Let's face it. You've tried everything and nothing has worked thus far. Stop playing games with yourself. This is your body and your health, and it's about time you got the TRUTH about how to lose belly fat.

Fact #1 on How to Lose Belly Fat - As frustrating and harsh as this may sound, it needs to be said. You will NEVER lose belly fat by doing countless crunches every day. If so, wouldn't most people have them by now? You can do crunches until you are every color of the rainbow in the face and it WILL NOT get rid of belly fat.

Fact #2 on How to Lose Belly Fat ' Fancy and expensive ab-machines won't get rid of belly fat. Most the ab-gadgets marketed focus on spot reducing, suggesting to the consumer that all they need to do is use their "state-of-the-art" ab-device and they will get rock hard abs.

Fact #3 on How to Lose Belly Fat ' Fat-loss potions and other "miracle" quick fixes will not get rid of belly fat. Many marketing companies wait for the next new piece of "scientific evidence" to emerge so they can use just enough "scientific fact" to create a product and make extravagant claims that hit the consumer at the emotional level.

Fact #4 on How to Lose Belly Fat - Fad diets are the worst of all the belly fat scams. Fad diets prey upon the desperate. They evoke restriction and deprivation, cause a loss of muscle, bone, and water, and in the end, completely destroy the metabolism.

What You CAN Do To Lose Belly Fat I know what you are probably thinking at this point and I now have you completely depressed. Alas, I'm going to tell you how to lose that belly fat you hate and have been trying to get rid of.

If you implement these methods I'm about to discuss, you will begin to notice your mid-section decreasing in size and belly fat will slowly melt off, the right way. When you take fat off the right way, it's less likely to return. The idea is to create control and then maintain that control.

Keep in mind that this is not a "quick-fix" and you will not see results overnight. Sorry, but I speak the truth. What you can expect is:

Continual belly fat loss over the course of several weeks or more

To have less cravings

Feel the changes as well as see them

To increase your health and self-esteem

Lose Belly Fat Rule #1 - Detox your body and organs. Studies show that a body that's been purged of impurities functions better than one loaded down with toxins. Cleaning your intestinal track is the first step to good health.

Lose Belly Fat Rule #2 - Clean up your eating habits. The eating rules are to eat natural food derived from the earth. Eat a small balanced meal every 3 hours. Taper off complex carbs toward the end of the day. Doing these small, yet effective dietary changes will purge your body of toxins to allow the nutrients to be utilized and it will also boost your metabolic rate.

Lose Belly Fat Rule #3 - Drink water. If you already drinking water, drink more. Water is vitally necessary in toxin removal as well as getting fat moving and flushing it out of the body.

Lose Belly Fat Rule #4 - Cardio constitutes as an effective means of reducing belly fat, provided you keep it within reason. Losing belly fat with cardio is a tool, not the sole answer as many people may think. Doing 20-30 minutes of high intensity interval training three to five times a week is sufficient to boosting your metabolic rate and burning fat.

Lose Belly Fat Rule #5 - Abdominal exercises are wonderful in building a strong midsection. When you build stronger abdominal muscles you will look and feel better, improve posture, and alleviate lower back pain. You can do a wide array of various forms of crunches up to 4 times a week.

Lose Belly Fat Conclusion The bottom line about how to get rid of belly fat is not by investing tons of money into fancy gadgets, expensive pills, and starving oneself, but it's in nourishing the body, purging the impurities and exercising.

You won't have a model-ready body by tomorrow, but in time you will lose the belly fat and keep it off.

Now that you have the TRUTH about how to banish unsightly belly fat, use this information to your advantage and you will be unstoppable.

Karen Sessions has been in the fitness industry since 1988. She is a nationally qualified bodybuilder and holds two personal training certifications. She has written 6 ebooks on fitness and has helped hundreds of clients transform their bodies. http://www.theelitephysique.com

"Use of this article is authorized provided it is reproduced in full, and all web URLS are active hyperlinks directed to the author"

Thursday, January 31, 2013

How To Lose Inches Off Your Hips and Thighs

Copyright (c) 2008 Ed Scow

Thunder thighs. Saddle bags.

How do those two phrases make you feel? I'm willing to bet that you don't feel very good after reading them.

They probably make you feel fat. For that I apologize.

I don't want to make you feel fat. I want to make you feel like a lean, strong woman capable of doing anything she sets her mind to.

But how do you feel that way when you've got all that extra flab hanging on your thighs?

Good question.

There are a few things you need to start doing right now if you want to get rid of the thigh fat and get a set of strong, lean legs.

The first one is obvious. You need to clean up your diet.

That doesn't mean you need to rush out to the bookstore and grab the latest best-selling fad diet. That'll just make things worse in the long run because you'll gain more weight than you lost when you go off the diet.

All it means is you need to get rid of fat gaining foods like processed carbohydrates, too much chocolate (at least switch to extra dark), anything fried, and calorie-bomb coffee drinks. You then need to replace those things with lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, healthy fat fighting nuts like almonds and lean sources of protein like chicken and turkey breast, and lean cuts of beef.

The next thing you need to do is focus on interval training for your cardio over the boring, monotonous 60-90 minutes you're used to. By doing interval training for your cardio, you'll burn more fat than with the moderate-paced stuff you've been force-fed for years, plus you'll get done in a fraction of the time.

There are lots of different ways you can do interval training. You can do it on a treadmill, elliptical, or stationary bike by mixing bouts of high intensity exercise for 20-40 seconds with bouts of very low intensity exercise for 60-90 seconds. Repeat the cycle for around 12-15 minutes and you're done!

You'll be done with your cardio sooner than many of the ladies have even entered their "fat burning zone." A zone which doesn't exist by the way.

The next thing you need to focus on is performing resistance training properly.

To really lose fat off your thighs, you need to stop focusing on those isolation exercises like the hip adductor/abductor machines, leg extensions, etc. and start focusing on big compound movements like squats and lunges. There are so many variations of squats and lunges that you should never get bored with them.

And don't worry. Doing those exercises will not give you bigger thighs. I don't care what you may have been told, it's practically impossible for most women to get big thighs from doing those types of exercises.

Here's a quick leg workout I gave to a client of mine who was wanting to lose thigh fat.

I told her to do this mini-circuit right after her warm-up.

1A) Walking Lunge - 10 reps per leg 1B) Plie Squat - 8 reps 1C) Mountain Climbers - 30 seconds

I told her to perform those 3 exercises as a circuit moving from one exercise to the next with little to no rest. You should also perform this circuit 3-4 times before moving on with the rest of your workout.

Perform this mini-circuit before you do anything else in your workout, 2-3 times per week for 4 weeks and I guarantee you'll lose thigh fat.


Learn how busy women from all over the world are losing fat faster than they thought possible by going to http://www.fatlosstogo.com
Once there be sure to grab your 5 free fat loss workouts.

Video Source: Youtube

Six Pack Abs - 3 Mistakes to Avoid at All Cost

If you are working out to develop six pack abs then you need to be aware of the three biggest mistakes described in this article and avoid them at all cost!

First, you need to understand the difference between getting six pack abs and simply losing body fat. Getting six pack abs is a all about having extremely low levels of body fat. For men this is around 8% and for women around 15%. Training and eating to get body fat levels this low is much different than someone who just starts a diet and wants to lose 20-30lbs.

If you are just trying to lose a lot of weight, then making small changes to your diet will help you make a lot of progress very fast. For example, if you were to only drink water, unsweetened iced tea, and green tea, then you will not be consuming any calories from beverages. For someone who just wants to lose weight, a small modification such as this can make a big difference.

For someone who wants to get six pack abs, the process is much more detailed. Here are two mistakes that most people make when they try to develop six pack abs.

Six Pack Abs Mistake #1: They try to do too many crunches and ab exercises.

While crunches and other ab exercises will help to build a stronger core, they will not help you get down to a low level of body fat. Trying to use endless reps of ab exercises simply does not build enough muscle or work your body hard enough to burn significant calories.

The myth of "spot" reduction is where a lot of people get caught up. The concept of spot reduction basically states that if you want to lose fat in a certain part of the body you should work the muscle underneath it. Our bodies do not store fat in one specific place, therefore you cannot lose fat in one specific place either.

I guarantee you will never see someone who has six pack abs in the front and is flabby around the rest of their midsection. If spot reduction actually worked this is what would happen. In the real world however, you need to focus on losing body fat all over in order to developing six pack abs.

Six Pack Abs Mistake #2: Trying to use infomercial ab gimmicks

When you see an advertisement for an "miracle" piece of ab equipment, the people who are using them usually have great bodies, low body fat, and a great six pack. However I can guarantee you one thing, and that is they did not get that way to using one single piece of abdominal exercise equipment.

Like we just talked about with why lots of crunches do not help you get six pack abs, the same holds true for any ab crunch machine or anything else you see on an advertisement.

This all goes back to the false concept that working the abs with lots of exercises will directly lead to a six pack. All the people who have the best abs got them by exercising their whole body and by adhering to a very strict diet. Not by using some ab crunch gimmick for "two easy payments of $29.95." Six Pack Abs Mistake #3: Eating too many calories.

Sounds overly simplistic doesn't it?

This is one of the most important core concepts that is crucial to understanding how to lose body fat and develop six pack abs. So many people try to eat healthy and still have trouble losing weight. Sometimes they think they have something physiologically wrong with them and their bodies simply cannot lose weight.

Before you fall into this trap and start seeking "miracle" quick fixes, you need to know that not being able to lose body fat is simply a matter of taking in too many calories. If you try keeping a food journal for a week and counting the calories you consume you will be amazed at the insight it will give you.

Even if you eat 400 extra calories a day from little snacks here and there (which is not difficult at all), you will be taking in an extra 2,800 calories per week. For some people, taking in an extra 500-1000 calories per day can easily come from foods that are extremely calorie dense but do not help you feel full. Such foods include bagels, donuts, muffins, potato chips, soda, any kind of fast food, and more.

So before you think that getting six pack abs or simply losing body fat is impossible for you, try taking a few days to really track what you are eating. You will be surprised that losing weight can really be as simple as cutting out small calories dense foods from your diet.

A wise man once said that having sexy six pack abs feels better than the best tasting food in the world. Remember this concept and start taking action today. Good luck!

How to lose arm fat - How I lost 2 inches of my arms! Losing arm fat or at least reduce arm fat.

How To Lose Fat and Slim Down With Bios Life Slim

L-Carnitine for Fat Loss

Fat burners. Thermogenics. Crash diets. These are just a few of the terms that come to mind when people contemplate their fat loss plan. First and foremost, a healthy eating regimen should be your basis for fat loss, but let's assume you are already eating a "clean" diet and you're beginning to add fat loss supplements to help you along the way. L-carnitine for fat loss is one of my key weapons in the battle.

Carnitine is found in red meat, chicken, fish, and even vegetables. The highest naturally occurring concentrations of carnitine are in meats, while relatively low doses are found in vegetables. This makes carnitine supplementation even more important for vegetarians and those who avoid eating red meat, specifically.

Carnitine is a "conditionally essential" amino acid. This means that your body can manufacture it on its own, but under intense periods of stress (i.e. working out, your job, your kids, etc.) carnitine cannot be made in sufficient quantities and therefore must be supplemented.

Supplementing with l-carnitine can benefit:

· Improved energy production
· Decrease in body fat
· Spares muscle during strict dieting
· Muscles become more resistant to fatigue
· Enhances cardiac performance
· Stimulant-free fat loss

Carnitine works by transporting fatty acids from adipose tissue into the bloodstream, which is then carried into the mitochondria of cells, where it is then burned as energy. In short, carnitine makes your body use fat as energy and this leads to fat loss. Using fat for energy helps to spare lean muscle while dieting, as well as preserve muscle glycogen so you can power through tough workouts and have more energy throughout the day.

There are some guidelines you must follow when supplementing with L-carnitine for fat loss. First, not just any dosage will work. Studies show that a minimum daily dose of 1000mg to 1200mg of supplemental carnitine will aid in fat loss. I have had much success using these high doses of carnitine three times per day. That is not a typo. While dieting for bodybuilding contests, I've used 3000mg to 3600mg of carnitine daily (and more) with no negative side effects. Carnitine played a crucial role in my being able to retain my muscle mass while shedding body fat during this intense contest diet.

Second, L-carnitine breaks down very rapidly in water. If you take a tablet of carnitine and place it on the table overnight, when you get it the next morning it will look brittle and crumbly. The carnitine molecules degraded very rapidly from this exposure, and eventually this will render them ineffective. If that is just from one night of exposure to moisture in the air, imagine what happens if your carnitine is sitting in water for days or weeks!

For a really effective fat loss combination, try combining L-carnitine with some type of thermogenic (fat burner). You are getting the increase in calorie burning from the thermogenic, which is cranking up your metabolism, but then you have the benefit of carnitine, which is shifting your body's fuel source to fat. With this combo, you are sparing your hard-earned muscle mass all while cutting down on your unwanted body fat. It's a win-win situation!

If you happen to come across acetyl L-carnitine, do not confuse this form with its L-carnitine form. Acetyl L-carnitine is not nearly as effective as L-carnitine for fat loss. The acetyl form is ideal for mental clarity and focus because of its own specific attributes. So if you're looking for a carnitine supplement to aid with fat loss, then acetyl L-carnitine is not the route you want to go down.

Carnitine is by far one of my favorite fat loss supplements (and an overall favorite nutritional supplement). Whether you are looking to lose fat, retain your lean muscle, or even keep your heart functioning at its top level, L-carnitine for fat loss is a convenient, healthy and safe, supplement that will help you reach your goals.

Tim Mielke
Competitive Bodybuilder and Author

Tim Mielke has been involved in the supplement industry for over 15 years, is a former competitive bodybuilder, personal trainer, published author and article contributor for www.i-supplements.com. His book "The Book of Supplement Secrets: A Beginner's Guide to Nutritional Supplements" was recently published and is currently available through amazon.com and barnesandnoble.com.

Burn Fat, Lift Heavy (part 1)

How does a pill that burns fat faster than any supplement out there sound?

How about that very same pill increasing muscle tone and density?

You've gotta admit, it sounds pretty exciting doesn't it

Now, what if I said...'IT AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN!'

Unless...wait for it!

You begin to lift heavy weights in the gym and avoid your favourite step and fit ball class. Then and only then are you on your way to that dream physique

Now from that last statement I've probably already lost half the female audience, no matter... it's just makes the rest of you look even better.

This is unfortunately, a very common mistake that women far too often mistake as being a way to become a muscular bound female bodybuilder.


In fact, if you're looking to get the kind of body like your favourite superstar, then I suggest you continue to read on.

For what you are about to receive... The following article is split into 4 parts. Part 1 will explain why we should be avoiding long durations on cardio machines known as 'long slow distance' (LSD). Part 2 will look at the reasons why lifting weights works better than LSD training and finally part 3 will explain why we should be lifting heavier with those weights. Part 4 will put it all together in a evenly balance program for you to follow.

The reason for doing it this way is there's a lot of new understanding to take on board. Some of this is going to go completely against your usual way of thinking, meaning you may or may wish to read any further parts.

All I can say is from the experience of coaching many clients in my time, this works better than anything and the results WILL amaze you!

So why should we avoid lengthy sessions on the cardio machines?

There are a number of reasons why we should avoid long cardio sessions, the first is simple.

Our body was designed to survive from the days when we were hunter/gatherers and our vocabulary consisted of um, ugg and errr. Kind of like a teenager...

When we ran (chasing food or being chased as food) our body would produce the hormone Cortisol (a stress hormone) as chasing food or becoming food can become a pretty stressful thing for us.

When Cortisol is produced, the body begins to store body fat by slowing down its natural metabolism. The reason being, if you are chasing something and don't catch it, you have no idea when you are going to be eating next. Your body knows that it will have to survive on its own stored fats.

Although our bodies have indeed evolved over the many years there are lots of things about the human body that remain the same. The stress hormone cortisol being released through LSD (long slow distance) being one.

Don't be fooled that it won't happen to you just because you go on the cross trainer, stepper, rower or any other form of equipment. It will, the body can't identify what exercise it is doing or whether you're looking to burn fat or being chased.

If its LSD training you're doing and you're looking to tone and lose fat, you will soon find yourself at a sticking point very soon as your Cortisol levels begin to rise.

The Zone

Let's take another look at those long cardio sessions that "help burn fat".

The fat burning zone draws fat from the fat stores to be used as energy instead od using carbohydrates; this is known as 'SUB RQ1' where the body doesn't have to use carbohydrates for energy. Now although this is true, if it was so effective, we would be losing pounds as we watch TV or read a book, but as we all know by now, that's just not the case!

Yes, you will burn more calories when exercising at the gym or walking round the park but to get in the true fat burning zone or 'optimal zone' you'll have to exercise for 90minutes (non stop) at least...

After about 90 minutes the body becomes extremely efficient at burning bodyfat!

This true, but come on....90 minutes!

England could have been defeated by Luxembourg B team by then. (I'm referring to soccer of course)

So if the body is burning pure bodyfat after 90 minutes, what's being burnt as energy before then?


Remember, at this steady lower state of intensity carbohydrates have no need to work meanining something has to help with the energy coming from fats. Unfortunately, we use muscle slowing down our metabolism in the process.


Now I know that the cardio, fat burning, step obsessed, 'the longer the better' exercise junkies out there aren't going to suddenly hang up their lycra shorts and ankle weights only to share the weights room with the usual vest wearing grunters.

As a result what you should do is something we call Tabata.

Pick your favourite piece of cardio equipment

Warm up for 2 minutes

Go as fat as you can for 30 seconds

Take it easy for just 10 seconds

Repeat 8 times

It's as simple as that and believe me you will really feel like you've had a very intense yet very short workout!

Snack Ideas for Losing Weight

Many people find their diets ruined when they gorge themselves on sugary or fatty snacks. Snacks are a good way to fight hunger cravings, but you have to make healthy choices when deciding what to snack on. When you're on a diet, it's a good idea to not have any unhealthy snacks in your home. If you have to drive to the store in order to fulfill a craving for chips or chocolate, you're much less likely to do so compared to when you have some sitting around. Keeping only healthy snacks in your home is a great way to reduce the temptation to eat unhealthy food.

Fruits and vegetables are a great healthy snack option; however, the idea of eating raw vegetables isn't appealing to most people. Some vegetables lend themselves well to snacking, such as baby carrots; others, such as romaine lettuce, aren't as attractive. A good way to improve the taste of vegetables is to roast them; you can always do this in advance so you have roasted vegetables on hand. Roasting vegetables caramelizes some of the natural sugars in the vegetable, creating a more complex and rich flavor. You can even try roasting vegetables like onions which you wouldn't even consider eating raw.

You should consider always having a prepared salad on hand in the refrigerator to eat if you get hungry; lightly dress it with olive oil and vinegar after taking it out of the fridge. Be careful not to go too heavy on the dressing when eating salads as a snack; most processed salad dressings are full of fat and preservatives. A homemade dressing consisting of olive oil and vinegar is the healthiest choice; olive oil is high in monounsaturated fats, which help to balance your cholesterol levels and can reduce your risk of heart disease. However, you should still go light on the dressing since it's still fat, and adds quite a bit of calories to your salad.

Fruits are a tasty and nutritious snack options; apples, pears, and oranges are all great to keep on hand to fight cravings for sweet snacks. In addition to tasting good, fruits also usually have a good amount of fiber in them, which helps you to feel fuller after snacking and will regulate your digestive system. A good way to increase the appeal of fruits is to slice them up and hit them with a touch of salt; it brings out the natural flavors of the fruit without adding calories or a significant amount of sodium.

Nuts are another great option for healthy snacking, but you should eat them in moderation. They contain high amounts of fat, and are thus higher in calories than other snacking options. It's easy to end up overeating nuts and consume a lot of calories as a result. However, they're still a better option than most processed snacks, as they are high in essential vitamins and minerals and have a more heart-healthy balance of fats than other snacks such as cookies made with mostly saturated fats like butter and shortening.

Mike has been writing articles for a couple of years now. His latest passion is on http://www.troutfishingreview.com/. He just created a page in his site on http://www.troutfishingreview.com/category/trout-bait. When you get a minute and you love to fish yourself come check out his site.

Build More Muscle and Lose More Fat by Discovering the Power of Training Variables!

Everyone will inadvertently hit a frustrating plateau in their training at one time or another. You're cruising along for a while, gaining strength, losing fat, looking better, and then all of the sudden it hits. Suddenly, you find yourself even weaker than before on your lifts, or you find that you've gained back a couple of pounds. It happens to everyone. Most of the time, these plateaus occur because people rarely change their training variables over time. Many people stick to the same types of exercises for the same basic sets and reps and rest periods with the same boring cardio routine. Well, I hope to open your mind and bring some creativity to your workouts with this article!

There are many ways that you can strategically modify your training variables to assure that you maximize your fat loss and/or muscle building response to exercise. Most people only think about changing their sets and reps performed, if they even think about changing their routine at all. However, other variables that can dramatically affect your results are changing the order of exercises (sequence), exercise grouping (super-setting, circuit training, tri-sets, etc.), exercise type (multi-joint or single joint, free-weight or machine based), the number of exercises per workout, the amount of resistance, the time under tension, the base of stability (standing, seated, on stability ball, one-legged, etc.), the volume of work (sets x reps x distance moved), rest periods between sets, repetition speed, range of motion, exercise angle (inclined, flat, declined, bent over, upright, etc), training duration per workout, and training frequency per week. Sounds like a lot of different training aspects to consider in order to obtain the best results from your workouts, doesn't it? Well, that's where a knowledgeable personal trainer can make sense of all of this for you to make sure that your training doesn't get stale. Below are a few examples to get your mind working to come up with more creative and result producing workouts.

Most people stick to workouts where they do something along the lines of 3 sets of 10-12 reps per exercise, with 2-3 minutes rest between sets. Booooorrrrring! Here are a few examples of different methods to spice up your routine.

•Try 10 sets of 3, with only 20 seconds rest between sets.

•Try using a heavier weight and complete 6 sets of 6 reps, doing a 3 minute treadmill sprint between each weight lifting set.

•Try using a near maximum weight and do 10 sets of 1 rep, with 30 seconds rest between sets.

•Try using a lighter than normal weight and do 1 set of 50 reps for each exercise

•Try a workout based on only one full body exercise, such as barbell clean & presses or dumbbell squat & presses, and do nothing but that exercise for an intense 20 minutes.

•Try a workout based on all bodyweight exercises such as pushups, pull-ups, chin-ups, dips, bodyweight squats, lunges, etc.

•Try a circuit of 12 different exercises covering the entire body without any rest between exercises.

•Try that same 12 exercise circuit on your subsequent workout, but do the entire circuit in the reverse order.

•Try your usual exercises at a faster repetition speed on one workout and then at a super-slow speed on your next workout.

•Try completing five 30 minute workouts one week, followed by three 1-hr workouts the next week.

•Try doing drop sets of all of your exercises, where you drop the weight between each set and keep doing repetitions without any rest until complete muscular fatigue (usually about 5-6 sets in a row).

There are many more ways to continue to change your training variables. I hope this article gave you some ideas on methods for you to take your body to the next level.

10 Guilt-Free Snacks For Weight Loss

When you know which categories of foods are healthy it's a lot easier to chose healthy snacks. Contrary to popular belief, snacking is actually very beneficial. It helps to refuel your body, maintain blood sugar and energy levels as well as control your appetite.

Healthy snacking will help your body get the nutrients it needs and help you avoid overeating at meal times.

Indulge in these guilt-free snacks. Remember we encourage an anti-inflammatory, low-glycemic, paleo-style diet for weight loss and wellness. A body must get healthy before it can lose weight.

1.Fruit and Yogurt Parfait.Organic plain yogurt is best. Flavored yogurts have a higher sugar content. Instead, flavor your yogurt with fruit. Blueberries are an excellent choice as they have a lower glycemic content that will help balance blood glucose and insulin levels.

2.Romaine Lettuce Wrap With Organic Turkey and a Slice of Raw-Milk or Skim Mozzarella Cheese.

Romaine lettuce contains the highest nutritional and fiber content of all lettuce. Turkey is 94% protein which helps you to lose weight by boosting your metabolism and decreasing hunger. Adding raw milk grass-fed cheese not only adds flavor but also adds calcium without any harmful hormones or preservatives. A great source for grass-fed wild meat, game and poultry is at U.S. Wellness Meats.

3. Veggie Sticks With Cottage Cheese Dip. Non-starchy vegetables contain almost eight times the amount of fiber found in whole grains. Fiber is essential for a healthy digestive system. Fat-free organic cottage cheese makes an excellent low calorie snack.

4. Shrimp Cocktail Shrimp is 90% protein. Try dipping it in some cocktail sauce for a low calorie, high protein snack.

5. A Handful of Nuts. Walnuts are the best choice as they're rich in protein and fiber but they also contain a high dose of omega 3 fatty acids (good fats) as compared to other nuts. Healthy fats help lower your risk of disease. Omega-3s are anti-inflammatory, meaning they help prevent inflammatory diseases such as stroke or heart disease. People who are overweight are actually suffering from an inflammatory condition.

6. Celery Sticks and Almond Butter. This is a great combination of protein, monounsaturated fat and energy. Almond butter is a healthier alternative to peanut butter as it contains no added ingredients or preservatives and better fats. (peanuts are a legume not a nut)

7. Deviled Eggs. Eggs are an excellent source of protein and make a great snack any time of the day. My Guacamole Deviled Eggs are a great high-protein healthy snack with good fats.

8. Herring Wraps. Buy a few tinned containers in a few different flavored sauces such as tomato or tangy mustard, herring fillets are high in omega 3 fish oils. Don't but if they are in soybean oil. Try wrapping them in a few leaves of romaine lettuce.

9. Banana Nut Pop. Dip a banana in plain organic yogurt and roll in walnuts or coconut. Freeze. Yummy!

Bananas are a great source of fiber and potassium. Don't eat too many they do have a higher sugar content. Coconuts have anti-microbial, anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties and are one of the best sources in the world for MCFA (medium-chain triglyceride fatty acids)

10. Lemon Tuna Avocado Snack. Halve an avocado and scoop out the flesh. Mix with lemon juice and tuna. Serve in the shells. Good protein, good fat.

Avocado's are high in monounsaturated fat and potassium. Tuna is a nutrient-dense food, high in omega-3 and a great source of protein. Protein builds muscle which in turn burns more calories to help you lose weight.

And here's your BONUS snack idea....

***Smoked salmon.

Don't get salmon that's been smothered in brown sugar. Salmon is one of the best sources of protein and healthy fats on earth. Try to buy wild-caught, not grain fed salmon.


Dr. Ron Spallone, D.C. is a wellness expert who practices Ortho-Molecular Medicine. He writes a blog entitled "Intelligent, Natural Weight Loss." Along with world-class fitness expert Roger Asmus, he helps people achieve new results with the latest in weight loss and exercise science. Ongoing information is available here.

Video Source: Youtube

Weight Loss: A History of the HCG Diet

"Although the HCG diet has been receiving a great deal of attention lately, it actually is not a new concept. In fact, the use of HCG as a diet aid was first discussed in a report that Dr. A.T.W. Simeons published in 1954. The report did gain some attention at that time, but it took several years before the use of HCG with dieting really started to catch on. Today, an increasing number of dieters are turning to HCG to help them lose those unwanted pounds.

About Dr. Simeons

Dr. Simeons, who was a British physician, is credited with having first discovered the use of HCG for weight loss. While practicing medicine in Rome, he devoted many years to the study of obesity and ultimately published his report extolling the benefits of HCG in 1954.

Dr. Simeons was mostly impressed by HCG because it could be paired with a low calorie diet without causing the same side effects commonly associated with low calorie diets. For example, Dr. Simeons noticed that his patients could drastically reduce their caloric intake without experiencing irritability, hunger pains, headaches, or weakness while also taking HCG.

As Dr. Simeons continued is research, he found that an HCG injection did more than just help his patients lose weight. In fact, he found that the injections also helped to naturally reshape his patient's bodies even if they did not engage in exercise while on the diet. Dr. Simeons concluded that this was because the patients lost their fat tissue from adipose tissue accumulations, which made changes in the body shape more visible.

HCG Today

Today, HCG is still recognized by many weight loss clinics for its abilities to help patients lose dramatic amounts of weight. Although HCG is still not recognized by the FDA as a weight loss treatment, the FDA has determined that it is a safe drug to use.

The basic concept behind using HCG to aid in weight loss remains much the same as it was with Dr. Simeons's initial studies, but it was recently taken to a whole new level with Kevin Trudeau's best selling book entitled "The Weight Loss Cures 'They' Don't Want You to Know About." According to Trudeau, the effectiveness of HCG can be further enhanced by eating a diet that consists of 100% organic foods. Trudeau's plan also calls for implementing herbal supplements as well as vitamins to help improve the overall health of the body.

Although HCG has been around as a weight loss aid for over 50 years, it took Trudeau's book to help spark new interest in its use. A great deal of controversy still surrounds HCG and whether or not it is effective at helping people lose weight. Nonetheless, there are many anecdotal records from people claiming that the injection changed their lives."

Marion Goldsmith is the public relations director of HCG Medical, a medical hcg weight loss clinic located in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Marion is a former medical weight loss physician has written articles on a variety of topics, but currently focuses on HCG weight loss, as written about in Kevin Trudeau's "The Weight Loss Cure". Visit www.hcgmedical.com today!

Is It Possible To Get Rid Of Man Boobs Without Surgery Or Pills?

If you suffer from Gynecomastia (often called Man Boobs or Moobs) you’re not alone and help is at hand without expensive surgery or pills from the internet. It’s estimated that more than 3.5 million men in the UK alone has gynecomastia, a condition that causes the breast tissue in men to develop in to female-like breasts.

There are a number of treatment for Gynecomastia, the most popular being surgery or pills available on the internet. While surgery would remove the unwanted chest fat to restore a flat chest, it is an expensive and often painful procedure that many either cannot afford or are too scared to undergo. The new gynecomastia pills that have flooded the internet for a while are now getting some feedback that is not very positive. Taking gynecomastia pills is simply not a miracle cure, but often involves dieting and exercising to get rid of the unwanted chest fat.

The media often blames man boobs on obesity, but this is not always the case. Many men who suffer from Gynecomastia are of normal, slim build without excess body fat. No amount of dieting or exercise will reduce the moobs or puffy nipples in these instances.

So what’s the solution if you don't want to undergo expensive surgery or eat gynecomastia pills from the internet? Or need or want to go on a diet or exercise? The answer is powerful Compression Garments especially designed for Gynecomastia. These garments offer extreme compression, comfort and durability in the form of a T-shirt or vest. Some even look like regular cotton T-shirts and vests, where the strong compression layers are hidden on the inside, so only you will now you’re wearing a specialist garment. This can only boost confidence even further, as you can wear a normal looking T-shirt or vest and get a flat and smooth chest at the same time.

It goes without saying that these types of garments offer an instant solution to looking and feeling good. You put it on and your chest is immediately flat. While they will not remove your man boobs permanently, simply wearing one of these comfortable compression undergarments every day under regular shirts, T-shirts, sport shirts and jumpers, will give you a flat and smooth chest. Some of these garments can also be worn on their own as a regular T-shirt or Vest, as they have an outer layer in cotton with powerful compression layers hidden on the inside. If you suffer from Gynecomastia this is a great relief during the summer months, where you can feel confident without covering up your chest.

An added bonus with some of these garments is that they also trim down the waist by as much as 1-2 inches. This might not necessary for everyone, but the overall feel when wearing Gynecomastia T-shirts and vests is that your whole upper body feels firm and slim.

Even sport lovers with moobs can benefit from these revolutionary garments. A special C-neck Compression T-shirt made from Microfibre and with Moisture Wicking Technology to keep you cool and dry is now available. This type of compression T-shirt has extremely powerful compression layers hidden on the inside of a Microfibre T-shirt for maximum effect and a very flat chest and stomach.

Quite a few companies are realizing what benefit Gynecomastia Shirts have for men with moobs, and a few large companies in the UK have created their own version of these garments. However, most of these new garments are cheap and do not have the necessary compression qualities needed to help reduce moobs. To get a completely flat chest and relief from visible man boobs, it’s always best to go for Gynecomastia T-shirts and vests that have been designed solely for this purpose.

Avoid the Thirties Fat Traps

It's amazing how excess weight creeps up on you in your thirties without you becoming aware of it. Suddenly you catch sight of yourself in a shop window or you see a picture taken at your friends wedding and you can't believe how much larger you've become. How did that happen? It feels like pounds of fat appeared overnight.

The bad news is that your metabolism (the rate at which you burn calories) does drop quite naturally from your thirties onwards. So you will start to put on weight more easily. But before you get too depressed be aware that the effect is so marginal that piling on the pounds does not have to be inevitable. It's more likely that you have been getting into bad habits and eating more or moving less than you were before.

If you want to avoid the extra 10lb that the average woman gains in weight between thirty and forty take care not to fall into the following lifestyle traps.

Lifestyle Trap 1 : Too much going on

With partner, kids and/or career all taking your attention, life in your thirties suddenly becomes much more complex than it was before and the time you have for yourself seems to disappear somewhere between school runs, getting the report finished and keeping the house one step above chaos. Almost inevitably you end up taking less exercise and eating out more or using take-aways to cope with getting meals on the table. Try and give yourself and your health a higher priority by asking for help, reducing your commitments and letting less important things slide.

Lifestyle Trap 2 : Matching portions

There's a time of danger when you move in with a partner, which often takes place in your thirties. You start cooking for him and eating the same meals and often the same portion sizes. Whereas you might have made do with something on toast or soup some evenings it's now full dinners with dessert. While your man can probably take the calories - all that excess lands just where you don't want it - on your tummy and thighs. Take care to eat only what YOU need and don't try and match your partner meal for meal.

Lifestyle Trap 3 : Eating for two

For many thirty-year-olds weight problems coincide with having children. Although you need just 300 calories more a day after the first 3 months of pregnancy, it's easy to use having a baby as an excuse to eat and eat. And that excess weight can be hard to lose afterwards. Often the problem is compounded by a second pregnancy before you've lost the weight from the first. To avoid excess weight gain keep exercising as long as it's safe to do so throughout your pregnancy and continue to walk the weight off afterwards - something you can do with kids in tow! And keep eating sensibly and healthily throughout. Pregnancy is a great time to get in the habit of eating well.

Lifestyle Trap 4 : Losing Muscle

If we don't do anything about it, we start losing some strength and muscle each year from our thirties onwards. As each pound of muscle burns about 50 calories a day even when you are at rest, it's important to gain that strength back through resistance or weight training. You should also avoid any diet which advises losing more than a pound or two of weight a week. More than that and you are likely to lose muscle as well as fat. And if you end up putting weight back on, as many people do, it's all fat. This is a major reason for avoiding the yo-yo diet syndrome - you end up fatter (literally) than ever.

Lifestyle Trap 5 : Complacency

In your thirties you're unlikely to see the symptoms of the poor health choices you're making. It's probable that heart disease, diabetes and other nasties have yet to show their face but these silent killers are loitering in the background. Don't take your health for granted. You'll regret it very quickly in the years to come which will be here soon enough. Give your health a top priority and do something about your health and your weight while you still have plenty of time.

Of course you can still look great in your thirties, forties and beyond. There's no real danger in hitting the big-30 (or any other birthday for that matter). The danger always comes with a change in lifestyle. And that's something that you choose - so it's all up to you whether you want to be fat or fabulous by the time you reach 40.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Low-Cost Marketing With Postcards

Here's a simple way you can generate lots of sales leads ...or traffic to your web site. Use postcards. They're highly effective and very low-cost. Plus, postcards provide the following 6 unique advantages over most other types of advertising.

1. Maximum Exposure for Your Sales Message

Postcards are delivered "ready to read". Even people who usually ignore other advertising will find it hard to avoid looking at your message when it's on a postcard ...especially if you keep it brief.

With other types of advertising you often lose prospects who would have been interested in your offer ...but they never saw it.

2. Simple and Low-Cost

Postcards are simple to produce - and very low-cost. You can print 4 x 6 inch postcards on your own computer for less than 2 cents each. Or you can reduce the cost down to about 1 cent each if you print 4 at a time on 8 1/2 x 11 sheets of card stock and cut the sheets into quarters.

Even postcards printed by a commercial printer are not expensive ...usually about 4 cents to 8 cents each.

The postage for mailing postcards is low too. In the US you can send postcards by First Class Mail for only 23 cents. This reduced postage rate applies to postcards that are at least 3 1/2 x 5 inches but not over 4 1/4 x 6 inches.

3. Get Immediate Results

Because postcards are simple and easy to use - they produce results quickly. Often your postcards can be mailed within a week from the time you decide to use them. You will start getting replies 2 or 3 days later.

4. Gain Control of Your Sales Activity

Postcards put you in control your sales activity. You can avoid getting too many or too few responses during any time period by regulating how many postcards you mail and how often you mail them.

That means you can quickly boost your sales activity anytime it slows down. And you can avoid losing customers you can't handle immediately because you got flooded with too much activity at one time.

5. No Wasted Advertising Expense

Postcards enable you to spend your entire advertising budget on your best prospects. You don't have to pay for advertising to a large audience in order to reach a few good prospects.

With a little advance planning you can make sure your postcards only go to prospects likely to be interested in what you offer ...and who also have a prior history of acting on offers that interest them.

For example, analyze your customers and make a list of the characteristics they share. Then call several national mailing list brokers and tell them what you are looking for. You'll be surprised at how specific some mailing lists are today.

6. Can Evaluate Results Quickly

Postcards normally generate 90 percent or more of their total number of replies within 7 to 10 days. This enables you to quickly and accurately evaluate the results of postcard advertising. You'll know in about a week if you can confidently send more of the same postcards - or if you need to make some changes.

Don't overlook postcards when you want to generate sales leads - or web site traffic. They're highly effective, very low-cost ...and they provide these 6 unique advantages you cannot get with most other types of advertising.

Copyright 2004 Bob Leduc

Weight Loss With Acupuncture - Can Acupuncture Help You Lose Weight?

In recent years, more and more people are trying out acupuncture to lose weight. Just what is acupuncture? How can acupuncture treatment help you lose weight?

Acupuncture is a branch of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and has been around for about 5,000 years. It is the practice of inserting very thin needles to stimulate pathways or meridians in the body to treat many illnesses and diseases especially to relieve pain from chronic disorders.

Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners or TCM physicians claim that acupuncture can help you to lose body fat by making you feel full and so will eat less. This curbs excess caloric consumption in the patient treated with acupuncture and is a great help in the patient’s weight loss program.

Acupuncture treatment can also be used to raise your metabolic rate and help you to burn more calories to speed up weight loss. Some Chinese medicine practitioners say that acupuncture stimulates the production of a hormone called endorphins and this hormone helps to lower body fat, insulin and lipid levels in the bloodstream thus less insulin is converted into body fat.

Acupuncture is not a miracle cure for obesity. TCM physicians often stress that to achieve good weight loss results from your program and maintaining your weight, acupuncture treatment alone is not enough. To lose weight effectively and keep the fats off permanently, acupuncture treatment must be combined with healthy eating habits and regular exercises.

Before you begin your acupuncture treatment, your Chinese physician will conduct a medical examination on you by checking your pulse and examination of your tongue to ensure that you are suitable for acupuncture weight loss treatment. This is because TCM is a holistic branch of health care and do not just specifically target the ailment or medical complaint. So an investigation into other reasons why a patient is obese is necessary to solve the problem holistically.

If you want to lose weight naturally and without drugs, why not try TCM acupuncture for your weight loss program?

Interval Training for Fat Loss Not Aerobic Training

Announcing Interval Training for Fat Loss

Forget long steady state aerobic training if you want to lose fat.


1. Its boring! Who really wants to spend half an hour or more running, cycling, rowing, etc.

2. Your body will adapt to it! As you get fitter, it becomes harder to burn the same amount of calories as when you started exercising because your body adapts and becomes more efficient. So what do you do to burn the same amount of calories as you used to? Well if you continue with aerobic training the answer is either go for longer or do the same time quicker neither of which are particularly enjoyable.

3. The fat burning zone or heart rate training doesn't work. Yes, you burn a higher percentage of fat at a submaximal intensity but the overall calories burnt are less than a higher intensity workout. (See the post below for more on Fat burning zone and heart rate training for fat)

4. Sprinters have less fat than marathon runners

5. Yes, you burn calories whilst doing aerobic training however it may be detrimental to your muscle growth. As i've said many times before, the more toned you are the more calories you burn whilst sitting at home. Aerobic training is largely catabolic (breaking down), which can consequently reduce the development of muscle growth.

Less muscle = lower calorie expenditure = lower fat loss

The answer? Interval Training

Interval Training is not aerobic exercise! Before I tell you what interval training is let me tell you what aerobic training is. Aerobic training (with oxygen) is exercise at a low or moderate intensity that can be maintained for a relatively large amount of time as long as oxygen is avaialble for the muscles.

ok, so now let me tell you about Interval training. This form of training is known as anaerobic training (little or no oxygen available). The key benefits of this training method are that it not only burns calories whilst you are doing it, it also burns more calories when you have finshed as it revs up your metabolism for upto several hours afterwards, therefore helping you burn more calories through the day.

So what exactly do I do when interval training?

First off, choose an activity, running, rowing, etc. However, I recommend you do not do the same exercise every time. Remember your body will adapt! Try changing the machine or the activity every 2 sessions to avoid this.

Once you have warmed up (5 mins) increase the intensity for 1 minute. This should be full out effort or as close to as possible (not recommended for those with heart problems). Think of a scale between 1-10, 10 being the most difficult, 9-10 is where you should be at this point. Once you have completed that slow down to a comfortable (5-6 out of 10) that you can maintain for 2 minutes. This is one bout, you should repeat this between 3-6 times depending on your level of fitness followed by 3 minute cool down. The total work out should be between 17-26 mins depending on how many bouts you do carry out.

Sandra Fierling

Fenugreek Tea: Good For Digestion

Fenugreek tea is very common where it is naturally harvested, which is in countries neighboring the Mediterranean and as far as to India. Not only is it used to augment foods but also as a very well-liked refreshing drink. The beverage itself contains ... Read >

Cinnamon And Honey For Arthritis

If you have any type of arthritis at all, you will unfortunately understand a lot about constant, continuous pain. This isn't amusing for someone. This is why so many individuals turn to arthritis medication. Unhappily, this can also bring about nasty sid... Read >

Ayurveda Tips - The Way To A Healthier Lifestyle

The world of Ayurveda (an ancient system of healing in India) is a lot about food. It's something we eat several times a day and what we put into our bodies can be compared to fuel. I hope you will find the following Ayurveda tips useful. " Daily exerc... Read >

Advanced Arthritis: What Natural Solutions Are There?

Advanced arthritis is a stage in your arthritis history that can unfortunately be reached. Unfortunately you are becoming aware that your condition is becoming more and more difficult and painful. In your daily life, you are now experiencing more pain and... Read >

Soothing Seaweed Body Wraps Help Detox, Lose Inches And Much More

Seaweed body wraps are definitely on the hot list of things to do. Simply lay back and unwind while your body does all the work of detoxifying and soothing and tightening your skin at the same time. You can even lose inches too - all while you lay back an... Read >

Friday, January 25, 2013

Inch Loss Body Wraps

The body wrap is a beauty treatment that helps you tone up and tighten your body, enhance your body circulation and detoxify your body. There are numerous spas that offer differing kinds of body wraps like chocolate, aloe Vera, seaweed body wrap, for example. Body wraps fundamentally work in 2 stages through assimilation and squeezing. By wrapping the body, the pores get opened and fluids are extracted or soaked up by the wrap. This stage is called the assimilation stage of the body wrap. Once the liquids are extracted, empty pockets are left in between the cells that when squeezed together, makes the body thinner and leaner than before . This is called the squeezing stage.

When trying a body wrap at home, it is necessary to select a place in your place where you will not be upset for an hour. You want some space where you can lie down comfortably. To do this, you can put an air mattress or a plastic sheet on the floor to prevent a mess. Once this is ready, keep some towels handy to wipe yourself after the body wrap and a blanket to wrap yourself warm, if necessary.
The very next step lies in mixing the body wrap ingredients and smearing them onto the body, as you would a suntan lotion. Sit in this wrap for 30 minutes to 1 hour, and then when you wash yourself, you are bound to be ecstatic taking a look at your body which has become more slimmer and compact.
It is always a good idea to take a warm shower or bath before applying a traditional body wrap as this opens the pores of the body and helps better assimilation of the body wrap ingredients. The thermal blanket can be employed to keep yourself warm if you feel cold with the body wrap on. It is always better to drink plenty of water both before and after the body wrap helps in flushing the poisons out.

We have mostly discussed a conventional style body wrap here, but there are several body wraps out there. For instance, an easier and mess-free body wrap that really works can be discovered at LoseFatWraps.com. With their body wraps, you can target a specific area such as your belly, thighs, arms or jaw. You then only need to secure it in place with some plastic wrap. That is's all there is to it! For a mess free and reasonable body wrap, try the Ultimate Body Wrap from LoseFatWraps.com.

Stubborn Weight? Your Liver May Be The Problem.

The liver is a very commonly-overlooked source of weight problems. Most people are aware that the liver is involved in detoxifying certain chemicals in the body - the most familiar being alcohol, but the liver does many other things. With regards to weight control, liver function is extremely important from two perspectives - water retention, and the production and/or activation of ALL of the body's fat-burning hormones. Good liver function is absolutely essential to being able to achieve natural weight loss.

Due to chronic abuse of the liver through things like heavy alcohol use, using medications and drugs, and bad eating habits, especially an overconsumption of fats and heavy animal-based proteins, the liver can become overloaded and irritation can result. This results in an inflammatory response in the abominal cavity, which results in an accumulation of fluid (called ascites). As the retained fluids collect in the stomach area, the stomach will often begin to protrude outward, producing the appearance that is sometimes called a "beer belly". In women, the problem can get bad enough that the protruding belly makes them look pregnant when they are not. For people with this water weight deposition, weight loss can be frustrating because exercise will not "burn it off" - because it's not fat. Since natural weight loss approaches fail to get results in these situations, some people resort to diet drugs, which may work at first, but ultimately harm the liver even more and create even more abdominal water retention.

Ironically, with water weight gain associated with liver dysfunction, some diet plans and weight loss products can actually make the situation worse and lead to even more fluid retention. The Atkin's diet, because it is so high in protein and fat, tends to be hard on the liver and will often lead to even more retaining of fluid. Some weight loss aids contain drugs or chemicals that the liver must process, and again, create even more liver irritation and subsequent water retention.

In addition to the water retention issue, good liver function is necessary for the proper production and/or activation of the hormones that stimulate fat burning. For instance, the liver is needed to convert the inactive form of thyroid hormone (T4) to the active form (T3). When the liver is overworked and cannot do the hormone conversions efficiently, the body cannot burn fat efficiently, no matter how much exercise you may do or what other natural weight loss steps you take.

The liver also produces a fat-burning hormone of its own, called insulin-like growth factor (IGF). IGF controls blood sugar during the relatively long-period that you go without eating during sleep. When you are asleep at night, your blood sugar levels fall and the liver generates IGF to cause the fat tissues to burn fat to boost blood sugar. Again, if liver function is not as good as it should be, this hormone is not produced efficiently and you don't burn as much fat. The other thing that occurs is that your blood sugar will go lower than it should and you wake up in the morning feeling very fatigued and irritable.

At this point you may be wondering what steps you need to take to help improve liver function to help alleviate abdominal water retention and to help better activate your fat burning hormones to stimulate natural weight loss? To begin with, it is important to reduce the detoxification load on the liver. Drastically reducing alcohol consumption and avoiding all but those medications that are absolutely necessary is an important step. If possible, I recommend avoiding alcohol and non-essential medications entirely for at least a few weeks to give the liver an opportunity to recover.

The next step is to clean up you diet to make things as easy as possible on the liver. Probably the simplest and most effective approach is to eat pretty much a vegetarian diet for 14 to 21 days, sticking to mostly fresh vegetables and fresh fruit and using beans, seeds, nuts, and nut and seed butters as your main protein sources. If you can't do that, it is advisable to at least cut out fried and greasy foods and high-fat meats for a while. The better your diet, the faster you'll lose the retained water in the abdomen and the faster you'll make real progress on losing weight.

Herbal and nutritional products are sometimes sold as liver "detoxifiers", and such products do sometimes provide support for the liver. These can be useful in more extreme cases or for those who simply aren't willing to take the dietary and other lifestyle measures just described. In my opinion, changing the diet and implementing the other natural weight loss lifestyle factors is a much more effective way to go, but using a liver detoxification product is probably better than doing nothing. Because some of these products contain herbs that can interact with certain prescription medications, it is strongly recommended that you consult with a physician or a pharmacist before using any of these products if you are on prescription drugs.

In addition to weight loss, as liver function improves, your skin usually becomes clearer and your mood and energy level will typically improve, especially in the morning. People with chronic headaches often notice that the headaches become less frequent and may go away altogether. Likewise, people with chronic pains in the upper back along the right shoulder blade often report that those pains go away as they begin to take better care of the liver.

It should be noted that as the liver recovers and the body stops retaining water in the abdomen, you will typically lose weight very rapidly (it could be 5 pounds or more per day!) and you will need to urinate frequently (that's how the body gets rid of the excess water). As the body rids itself of the excess fluid, the rate of weight loss will decrease significantly. If you continue on a natural weight loss program, a reasonable expectation after you have lost the water weight is about 1 to 2 pounds per week.

Free List of Fat Burning Foods

Free List of Fat Burning Foods
by: Gary Gresham

This free list of fat burning foods will help you make the right choices to burn off more fat than you ingest by eating them. The fat burning secret to losing weight is to eat and drink until you are full and satisfied, choosing foods that burn more calories than you consume. This helps your body burn up the excessive stored fat.

This free list of fat burning foods contains mostly fruit and vegetables and if you compare it to other lists you will notice a definite trend. If you eat these fat burning foods and add a good exercise workout program to it you will increase your metabolism and burn calories at a faster rate even several hours after your exercise is done.

Brussels sprouts
green beans
red cabbage
string beans

A recent report from Michael Zemel, Professor of Nutrition and Medicine at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville reports, "If you compare a dairy-rich versus a dairy-poor diet you can nearly double the rate of weight and fat loss with the same level of calorie restriction." It states that the calcium in dairy products can boost weight loss by increasing fat breakdown in fat cells. Therefore, dairy products could be termed as fat burning foods. These include milk, cheese and yogurt and might be considered a fat burning secret.

The best way to approach fat burning food is to start by implementing a sensible eating plan with the help of this free list of fat burning foods and begin an exercise workout program that you enjoy and will stick with.

Copyright © 2005 - Treadmill-Info.com - All Rights Reserved.

Easy Ways To Lose 10 Pounds

People want to lose weight for many different reasons, be it to look better, feel healthier, or for more confidence. A good weight loss goal to set in the beginning is to lose 10 pounds. Losing 10 pounds is achievable for anyone who sets their mind to it, and the ideal way of losing weight is to make some small changes in diet and increase in exercise.

Some people follow a strict weight loss approach in the hopes of losing 10 pounds quickly. However, because these rule are so restrictive, they are probably going to be hard to stick to, and if you stray from the diet, those 10 pounds are probably going to come right back.

A better way to lose 10 pounds is to change your eating habits. Though this may take longer to lose weight, at least the weight loss is likely to be more permanent. When you take a closer look at your eating habits, you'll realize how often you snack out of habit and not out of hunger, for example when watching TV.

People also eat way too much. The body is slow in registering the "full" signal from the stomach, so the body only "feels" full 20 minutes after you actually are full. So try to listen to your body more closely, and stop eating when you start to feel slightly full. It also helps if you chew your food more slowly, as this will allow your body more time to receive the "full" signal from the stomach. It also helps to eat less fattening food and unhealthy food such as cream cheese or salted chips or chicken skin.

Another approach to weight loss is to make lifestyle changes that incorporate more activities into your day-to-day routine. This is an easier way to lose pounds and to keep them off. Take a look at your daily habits and see where you can make small changes to help you lose weight. One way to get started is to bike, instead of driving, to work. Biking to work will help burn a lot of calories in your body, plus you will be able to save money on gasoline and be environmentally friendly. Other changes you can make include going for a quick walk during your lunch break instead of sitting idle at your desk, and taking the stairs instead of the lift.

If you are the more active type, you could go hiking or swimming, something recreational and fun, yet geared towards helping you lose weight. It is so much easier to lose weight when you are doing something you enjoy.

Many find the diet changes or exercise regimens for quick weight loss unrealistic. By making small changes in your dietary and lifestyle habits you will find weight loss a breeze, plus you will easily keep the weight off.

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Thursday, January 24, 2013

Fat Burners: The Shocking Truth

Fat Burners refer to the hundreds of products on the market today that can be purchased over the counter. Their purpose is to somehow burn off the fat by speeding up metabolism, or blocking fat in foods, or other methods.

The companies that sell these products employ savvy at marketing techniques to hook you, with bold print ads and sometimes less than believable before and after pictures.

>>>>Are these products safe?

Fat burners are not regulated by the FDA so companies can put whatever herb, vitamin, or mineral in them as long as the substance isn’t illegal. I don’t know of any long term studies on any one of the hundreds of fat burners on the market.

>>>>Do they work?

Many of these products have been shown to be effective for weight loss, though they may have negative side effects. Be aware these products can cause side effects such as rapid pulse, increased blood pressure, constipation, nervousness, sleeplessness, and lack of appetite.

>>>>Are they healthy to you and your weight loss goals?

The jury is still out on the health benefits of any fat burner. These products should be looked at as temporary fixes to weight loss. Most of them cause a decrease in appetite, which can lead you into a situation of not consuming enough calories on a daily basis.

If you aren’t eating enough daily calories, your body responds by slowing your metabolism, storing fat, and using muscle for metabolism. This can result in you losing weight, but muscle weight instead of fat. The goal in any weight loss program should be to keep the muscle, lose the fat.

Fat burners might help you lose some weight in the short term, but once you stop taking them you run a high probability of gaining the weight back, especially if you aren’t following a healthy eating plan and moderate exercise program.

© Jeff Lugeanbeal - All rights reserved

Natural Weight Loss for Good Health and Well Being

Weight loss is becoming an unhealthy obsession dealing with body images, but in some cases can improve health and fitness. When weight loss is a result of eating healthy, exercising and/or taking natural weight loss supplements in contrast to synthetic prescription drugs with the risk of harmful side effects, weight loss can be effective, rewarding, and greatly improve overall health.

Extra weight, especially extra fat on a person's body, applies significantly increased stresses on the heart, joints and back. These stresses can be extremely detrimental to one's health. Healthy weight loss can reduce the risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, arthritis and other health problems, as well as generally extending an otherwise average life span. Recently, the scientific root cause or explanation of obesity has been revealed as being part of one's physiology. The internal functions of an obese person are different than those of a healthy person, and cause intense hunger pains and food cravings.

Natural weight loss supplements can help counteract this constant hunger and lead to healthy weight loss. Unbalanced hormones are a common cause of weight gain, therefore taking natural hormone balancers and herbal supplements would help to create a healthy weight loss regimen. Restoring your health allows you to lose weight naturally, without excess frustration and effort. It's all about losing weight from the inside out.

Emotional issues always accompany change, especially changes in our bodies e.g. natural weight loss. Weight loss affects our perception body image, our sense of identity i.e. who am I?, and how we feel about ourselves in general. Weight loss also effects our social relationships in that there may be people in our family or social contacts that are emotionally invested in our remaining the same i.e. overweight with all that it symbolizes e.g. friendliness, non-threatening, protective, jovial, helpful, etc. Beyond our physical health, it can be said that "size matters" cognitively and emotionally to ourselves and others. Eating and food have come to symbolize being accepted, being cared for and comfort. Having the support of others in our efforts to naturally lose weight and regain our health is a huge advantage.

We have been "conditioned" to fear any kind of loss, including weight loss. Especially if what we may lose is something with which we identify i.e. use to tell us who we are.

The emotions of fear, anger, anxiety and depression effect our weight. We often tend to "stuff our feelings" or numb these emotional feelings or stress by overeating. We may even overeat, thinking that will ease the physical discomfort caused by excess weight e.g. physical pain, lack of sleep, and lack of energy caused by moderate depression. To improve our overall health and support us through the process of natural weight loss and the emotional dynamics around it, we can take advantage of natural sleep aids, natural depression relief and natural pain relief health care products.

Our weight and health is greatly dependent upon our having a healthy digestive system or metabolism. Our digestive system converts, on a cellular and muscular level, the foods we eat, eliminates toxins, and uses and stores glucose for energy. Natural enzymes trigger hunger signals and facilitate absorption of nutrition. Good digestion with the help of natural enzymes aids in the conversion of fat to muscle.

Allergy and sensitivity to food, parasites, yeast overgrowth and emotional stress are signals of digestive disruption and inflammation. Natural essential fatty acids work to reduce intestinal inflammation, decrease harmful acids, help the liver process proteins that grow muscle, balance hormones and facilitate the elimination of toxins. Natural essential fatty acids help clear our digestive system of heavy metals, harmful bacteria, pesticides that we are increasingly encountering in our environment. Essential fatty acids along with natural fiber help us clean out the intestinal debris that harm our health and often lead to weight gain. Essential fatty acids also help our brain's neurotransmitters to function properly in order to deal with stress, emotions, and cravings that can lead to overeating and weight gain.

Natural amino acids are the building blocks that make up proteins. Next to water, protein makes up the greatest part of our body weight. Amino acids help increase metabolism, build muscle, ease moderate depression, and help burn fat. Natural antioxidants help carry more oxygen to cells and muscles to help increase energy, burn fat, build muscle and process the foods we eat.

Hormone balance is essential for natural weight loss. Our metabolism slows as we get older because of the decrease or imbalance of hormones. This contributes to weight gain. Hormone balance also helps us deal with stress that leads to weight gain. Proper hormone balance helps to decrease cravings and binge eating. There are many natural hormone balancing products available, e.g. natural progesterone, promensil, soy isoflavones, essential fatty acids and hormone balancing formulas.

Our metabolism's primary task is to nourish our brains. We need healthy neurotransmitters to help us curb craving, ease depression, and deal with stress that lead to weight gain. Balancing our natural brain chemistry has a calming effect and allows us to feel a sens of well being and safety. There are many natural health care products to help balance brain chemistry, e.g. essential fatty acids, natural depression relief products, natural products to increase serotonin, and more. When our brain feels well and safe, it is prone to change our metabolism from calorie saving to calorie burning.

Our bodies were designed to move and be active. Movement requires muscle activity. Muscle activity uses the glycogen supply found in our muscles. When this glycogen supply stored in our muscles is used, our body is forced to use stored fat as an energy source. Using this stored fat through movement and exercise, results in natural weight loss. There is no reason for us to become athletes to accomplish natural weight loss. Low impact exercise like swimming, walking, etc, can be done slowly and without strain. In order to lose real weight rather than "water weight", it is important to drink extra amounts of water when exercising. Drinking more water will also help our digestive system and metabolism to use and eliminate extra weight.

Remember, the first objective, accomplished through natural weight loss, is to improve our physical and emotional health. This involves having a healthy digestive system, a healthy emotional system and a healthy nutritional system. We can build these healthy systems with natural vitamins, amino acids, antioxidants, natural digestive aid, pain relief aid, natural sleep aids, natural emotional and mood aids, essential fatty acids and many more helpful natural health care products. We need to concentrate on improving our general health, feeling good, and living well through natural weight loss, rather than constantly comparing ourselves to someone else's idea about appearance from some magazine. Physical and emotional health is primary. Appearance may be important to us, but it is secondary. Through natural weight loss, we can live well and live long.